Using Your FarmVille Neighbors To Your Advantage

FarmvilleTrick: Using Your FarmVille Neighbors To Your Advantage
By : FVTampletes

When it comes to playing FarmVille, there is a good reason that you want to have tons of neighbors on your list. The good thing is that you don't have to spend a lot of time searching for them either, you can simply join some of the fan pages and add your name on any neighbor lists they have going around. Once you put in even
a tiny bit of effort when it comes to adding neighbors, you will easily find that your neighbor list will explode. But what do you do when you have all of those neighbors? Here are three tips to help you use your FarmVille neighbors to your advantage:

1. Postings: When it comes to wall postings, most people will post anything from FarmVille. This can actually be a good thing though and here is why: if you're on top of your wall postings, you'll be able to catch things that you want, tons of extra money, and plenty of great extras for your farm. For example, you can gain animals that you can't buy in the market, you can gain extra specialty items during special events, and you can even get some great collectibles on a constant basis. For this reason, it is a great thing to have plenty of neighbors that will always be posting things from FarmVille on their walls for you to snatch up.

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